Saturday, January 24, 2009

PDX Mayor and the Bimboy Scandal

I am having second, third and fourth thoughts about what the PDX Mayor should do. I’m still pissed off that he lied about the relationship, and some other possible shady deals in the cover-up, but I have been thinking some more about it. Tell me why was his relationship with the young man brought up during the campaign in the first place? It was done for one reason, so his opponent could win. Politics are nasty and vicious. Is it right, no, but its reality. If he would have come clean at that time, damage would have been kept to a minimum. He should have learned from the Clinton scandal. As Nixon said once; “it’s the cover up that gets you”. So he has a boy- toy! How many politicians have someone on the side? And what business is it of ours? At least he has good taste. I will take this bimboy over Monica L! I feel lesson has been learned. If he is to continue to have a boy-toy, come clean about it, and keep it clear of city hall. I say ride out the political storm. Now of course, if more shadiness comes to light, I may change my mind again. Hey at least this is a good diversion from the bad economic news. Who knows, perhaps Portland will be able to have the sex scandal tours. All the meeting places, oh yes, I believe I have something here..


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