Monday, July 28, 2008


I was working in my garden and noticed this huge, and I mean huge dragonfly hovering over me. Frankly I thought it was a B-2 bomber, than I realized my mistake, this was so much bigger. Its wings were flapping much like that of a helicopter’s blades, and its eyes stared right at me, I thought that I was doomed. I wanted to warn the neighbors to get their children and pets inside, schools needed to notified, but then again, at least the neighborhood would be quiet… hmmm yes..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Shopper's Rage

Shopper's RageYou have all heard of road rage; how about shopper’s rage? I don’t know about you, but I have to talk to myself before I go into that great big warehouse store that starts with a C and ends with an O. I love the products, but holy cow, the huge carts and the herds around the feeding stations, crap! I have this little inner voice screaming; GET OUT OF MY WAY, or sometimes, RAMMING SPEED!! Okay, stay cool, do not run down grandma or grandpa who’s trying to figure out that Blue Tooth doesn’t mean some dental problem, you’ll be there soon enough, and you too will have some rude middle aged male wanting to run you down too...