Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Local arts

I have been to many restaurants and have seen artwork on the walls by local artist. I wonder; do these actually sell? When some one is stuffing their face with food, do they pay attention to what is on the wall? I sometimes wonder if it is a way for a restaurant to have free art on the wall. There has got to be a way to promote the arts that the artist gets a cut. You have galleries, which are a bunch of snobs, restaurants that take it for free, and art walks that don’t really benefit the artist. And not one of them works to sell the art. Hmmm, damn it!


Sunday, September 7, 2008


What and the hell happened to summer? At least it’s still warm, but crap it’s September!! At least one thing, the damn conventions are over with, a virtual parade of professional bullshitters, oh wait, I mean politicians. Now we are down to less than 3 months before the election is over. But here is a thought; Canada just called for elections, they will have started and finished the whole election in 4 weeks, wow. Why can’t we do that?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Local Art, Damn It!!!!!!

Do you really think people actually buy what art they want, or, do you think they purchase what is mass marketed to them? I believe it’s the mass marketing. So many people are so worried about what they are “supposed” to have on their walls, instead of what they want. Why in the world anyone buys and pays more for a mass printing of 650,000 of some ridiculously quaint cottage among an even more ridiculous flower garden, than buy a truly original from some local artist. IT’S BEYOND ME!! People make your house unique, it’s YOUR home. For crap sake, think local and support the artists you have right here, what ever city that might be. Here in Portland, we have many art festivals, I see many people attending, but I wonder how many actually buy? GO LOCAL, DAMN IT!! That’s what I say.

Another rant,
