Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Light Rail manners

MAX, or light rail decency. Okay, if you are in your 20’s. or younger, and healthy, get off your ass and give up the set you’re hogging up to a senior citizen. That’s all.

A friendly reminder,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop 8

Prop 8: What can I say, we are still outcast in this current society and the ignorant continue to prevail. Why hate us? I don’t know what we gay people have done so wrong. In my belief, no marriage should be recognized by the Government, only civil unions. If you want it recognized as a marriage, than go to your church. Religion and politics do not mix, and should always be kept separated.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Here is my blog for today: VOTE DAMN IT!!!! No excuses.