Thursday, January 29, 2009

Final on the Mayor and the Bimboy, we hope.

Okay, the mayor is back to work, time to move on. He will always have critics; frankly there will be some who won’t like him simply because he is Gay no matter what. The key is not to give them a way to win. Now is time to do a good job and things will work out in the end. Oh and remember, Portland is weird and proud of it, so in other words, don’t become boring either. A bimboy here and there spices things up; just don’t lie about it again!!

Enough said,


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He's staying

Well, the Mayor decided to stay, good. Now don’t screw up anymore! Oh and by the way, show your bimboy around, he’s cute!!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

PDX Mayor and the Bimboy Scandal

I am having second, third and fourth thoughts about what the PDX Mayor should do. I’m still pissed off that he lied about the relationship, and some other possible shady deals in the cover-up, but I have been thinking some more about it. Tell me why was his relationship with the young man brought up during the campaign in the first place? It was done for one reason, so his opponent could win. Politics are nasty and vicious. Is it right, no, but its reality. If he would have come clean at that time, damage would have been kept to a minimum. He should have learned from the Clinton scandal. As Nixon said once; “it’s the cover up that gets you”. So he has a boy- toy! How many politicians have someone on the side? And what business is it of ours? At least he has good taste. I will take this bimboy over Monica L! I feel lesson has been learned. If he is to continue to have a boy-toy, come clean about it, and keep it clear of city hall. I say ride out the political storm. Now of course, if more shadiness comes to light, I may change my mind again. Hey at least this is a good diversion from the bad economic news. Who knows, perhaps Portland will be able to have the sex scandal tours. All the meeting places, oh yes, I believe I have something here..


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Sad Day in Portland

I feel that I must reverse my earlier opinion about it being at a SO WHAT level. This is a really sad day. I can forgive him for letting his little head over power the big head. To not only lie, but also try to buy off a critic is unacceptable. Plus, to tell such a young man to lie on his behalf, perhaps he should go.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

PDX Mayor Sam Adams

So he messed around with a young guy, SO WHAT!! Yes, he should not have lied about it, as Nixon would say; "the cover up is what gets you."
All I can say is look at my blog on January 09. What is it about the young?…What can I say, we tend to make fools of ourselves. Does it make him unqualified to be mayor?. I say no. But, If you are a public official and you're out of the closet, make sure all the stuff hanging in there is known. Otherwise it will bite you in the ass.


Monday, January 19, 2009

The Nice Offensive

I was thinking about a new tactic that perhaps we should adopt, I call it the nice offensive versus the in your face approach. What I would like to see is Gay people to be known for how generous we are, and also how nice we are to deal with. Here is a way to begin; when it comes to tipping, if you have the means, tip often and generously. We always tip the maid at a hotel, 20 percent for a waiter/waitress, at least a dollar per drink for the bar back or bartender. This becomes especially important in bad economic times. If people who work in hotels, restaurants, bars, be it straight or Gay want our business, they will support us. We have made huge strides in the business world already, but we can win the hearts of the workers also. Let us not be those stingy bitches, but benevolent Queens!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Non-Breeding Laws

Have you ever looked around, and after unfortunately zeroing in on certain people, you hope to God they did not or will not breed? I have been riding the MAX (light rail in PDX) and have noticed a few of those lower Darwinian creatures. Their conversational capabilities alone make them candidates for much needed non-breeding laws. Here is an encounter I had a few days ago, I was awe struck by the unbelievable command of the English language this young white trash male demonstrated when talking on his cell phone to an, I assumed, equally trashy low intellect girl friend. Here was the exchange; “Ah what are you doin tonight dewd? I gettin fuckin drunk man, yeah, hahaha, yeah man drunk, yeah uh, yeah yep drunk, you be drunk, yea, ah yeah” Of course, we all could hear the impressive use of vocabulary . I wanted to tell him, yes please get drunk and die from alcohol poisoning, and do it quickly before you manage to reproduce yourself. Another example of infliction upon the public was a fine looking couple, probably the result of generations of inter-breeding, kissing and tonguing each other right there for everybody to witness. Mmmm, just what we all want to see, too bad they could not just trip and fall under the train before they manage to produce an offspring equally as ugly as they are. And some certain churches and straight people worry about Gay people marrying? Holy shit; at least we don’t reproduce and inflict our deposits on future generations.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Liquor Laws

Some of the most stupid laws apply to, and around, liquor. Have you ever wondered where in the hell they came up with some of these? Here are a few questions I have: Why are bars required to serve food if they sell hard liquor? In most states, except for Oregon, YIPPEE, full frontal nudity and booze is a big no no, why? Who in the hell came up with 21, and why isn’t it 18? Why can’t bars be open 24 hours? And for those states that don’t allow selling of alcohol on Sundays read the constitution about separation of Church and State. What’s the real root of these stupid laws, and also anything that regulates our so called morality? It’s from the most unfun sour grapes of humans to live, Puritans! Yes them, the ones we celebrate every Thanksgiving. I should remind you; these are the same group of people that burned witches in Salem.

Just some thoughts,


Thursday, January 8, 2009

What is it about the young?

Hmmm....the attraction to the young, and when I say young, I mean 18 and up. I may be Gay, but not a perv. So what is it? To me it is interesting. What is it about the young that we are so attracted to? Yep, the young are perceived as beautiful and full of life. You see it over and over at the bar, lonely older guys lusting after something that will, most of the time, have nothing to do with them. As an older guy, I know that I have made an ass of myself several times. I have some advice for both sides, if you want to listen, good, if not, well stop reading. If you’re older, and you lust after the young, get ready to have your heart broken over and over again. If you’re young, be flattered that men are looking at you, it won’t last very long, and don’t be rude! Sometimes, it is good to talk to someone that has been around the block a few times. You may think you know it all, but frankly you don’t know crap. It takes age to realize that it’s all shit. Then again, sometimes we just don’t grow up.

Some thoughts,


Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Okay, why not have fun ones? Screw this loosing weight and exercise more shit! Most fail at that anyways, and then feel even worse about themselves.

Here are my New Year Resolutions:

1. Drink better beer, and more of it.
2. Drink better wine, and more of it.
3. Drink better booze and more of it.

Yes, I do believe I can achieve these resolutions.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hang over cure, and Happy New Year!!

What is the best cure for a hang over? Here is one suggestion, go out and get yourself some pho’. The wonderful cure all Vietnamese soup. Had some this morning and already feeling a lot better. Yep, imagine that, I went out last night and drank toooo much. The bar was fun, plenty of cute dancers, and lots of drunk people all having a good time. Out with the old in with the new, I say. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!
