I was at a bar the other night and noticed one of the waiters was, well, family. He was a younger guy, but not yet a queen. This made me start wondering about rankings in the gay world. At what point do you become a full fledge queen? I do believe age as something to do with it and also experience that comes with that age. A good queen doesn’t put up with any shit, and she knows what is important and what is not. Many younger guys try to think that they are queens, and believe all knowledge as been achieved, but in reality they’re just simply ignorant. So therefore, they rank at perhaps a princess or even lower, depending on the level of stupidity. Many may be a drama queens, but this is not to be confused with the real thing. I encountered an “emo” type gay boy on the MAX the other day. Little pouty thing, frankly reminded me of a mouse. Now this I would rank at the Tinkerbell level. Simply annoying, and actually believes people really give a shit about her. So at one end we have Tinkerbells and the other Queens. Yes, I do believe that more must be investigated on this topic. I do believe many more blogs are in order.