Sunday, December 28, 2008

Shitty Christmas Ads

The most shitty Christmas ad campaign goes to….Target. Jesus Christ, could you get more obnoxious than the kids doing some sort of fucking Christmas play with equally disturbing adults urging them on? Number two, well Target’s ads were so bad, there is no number two.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Rev. Rick Warren

I am thrilled that Mr. Obama was elected. Thank the universe that the God damn Christian Republicans are out, but, I am cautious. Mr. Obama, please don’t go God on us!! Remember, we have separation of Church and State in this country. Don’t move the Democratic Party towards the religious side that would be a mistake. Rev. Warren should not be included in your inauguration, I will forgive you for this mistake, but I have my eye on you.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Global Warming?

Where is the global warming damn it? HELLO, I am looking at over a foot of snow on the ground and more on the way. Mr. Gore, I would suggest that you go back into your giant mansion in Tennessee. Perhaps you came up with this theory on a trip to one of your “winter” homes in the tropics. Yep, bitching, I was looking forward to global warming, perhaps a few palm, orange, and of course lemon trees for the back yard. Got have lemons for the hefeweizen.

Brrrrrr it's cold.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Weather

Okay, got to mention something about the current weather…It sucks!! I will take drizzly rain over snow any day. You don’t have to scoop rain, and you don’t slip and fall on your ass in rain. I will never again complain about the rain, well unless it’s during summer, then perhaps I will bitch a little.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cell phones on the MAX

Fellow MAX riders, when you’re talking on your cell phone, remember that everyone can hear your conversation! I can’t believe what I over hear. Here are two examples: “Honey, she didn’t mean anything to me, I didn’t sleep with her this time. What’s yo problem? “ Or the cheerleader type; Yeah like, gee, I couldn’t believe, like, yeh, he looked at, yeh, like, he yeh like her, butt, yeh, like , how like rude, like, can you believe it, but like, I still like, love him” Okay, definitely a bottle blonde. People, do this at your home and spare us!! And those of you, who say it is rude to eves drop, how can you not?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gay bar art walk

I have a new idea for the PDX art scene. What do you think of having a Gay bar art walk? It could be a lot of fun. Start at one end, perhaps Scandals, then end up at Silverado. Booze and Art, what a perfect combination. And even better, perhaps some of the Silverado boys could present the art… yummy.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Equal Rights?

I have been reading the biography of John Adams. It struck me, when they wrote the Declaration of Independence, and also the Constitution, not once did it say: All men are created equal except for the Gays, interesting. It took the African Americans almost one hundred years to get their rights. I ask them, please let us have ours. We have been at it for about 40 years. I am going to tell you now, it’s not we can, it’s we will! Not one church has any moral ground to stand on for them to have the right to discriminate against Gay people. What hypocrites!! How dare they judge me and my people. The atrocities of the all religions are beyond the scope of imagination. Not one has the moral high ground. Get out of politics, we are supposed to have separation of church and state in this country. It’s time we lived up to that.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Light Rail manners

MAX, or light rail decency. Okay, if you are in your 20’s. or younger, and healthy, get off your ass and give up the set you’re hogging up to a senior citizen. That’s all.

A friendly reminder,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prop 8

Prop 8: What can I say, we are still outcast in this current society and the ignorant continue to prevail. Why hate us? I don’t know what we gay people have done so wrong. In my belief, no marriage should be recognized by the Government, only civil unions. If you want it recognized as a marriage, than go to your church. Religion and politics do not mix, and should always be kept separated.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Here is my blog for today: VOTE DAMN IT!!!! No excuses.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Ah Halloween!! The national Gay holiday, love it!! I am going cheap this year, and no I am not going as pre-fig leaf Adam that would be just too damn scary, a 6 dollar hard hat from Home Depot and I got it. Yep a construction worker, imagine that. I know, how original. Oh go find a bridge!! The big thing this year is that Halloween falls on a Friday. OH YES!!!


Friday, October 17, 2008

The MAX!!!

I started riding the MAX this week for the first time. Shocked the living hell right out of people that know me. Me, not driving my car, WOW. Hey it is not too bad, though I must admit that at times I am sandwiched in. Okay, here are some rules that need to be obeyed; one, smile damn it, two, deodorant is a good thing, and three, its okay to be weird. For crap sake we are PDXers.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Keep Portland Weird

Frankly, I am tired of politics, so I am going to give it a rest. Yep, can you believe it? Okay, I am fairly new here to Portland, I have been seeing these bumper stickers saying: “Keep Portland Weird” Ummm, Hellllllo, no problem. You have rickshaws downtown. This is the only place in the USA that I have seen that. And I saw one gal who was offering rides, wearing wings. Yep you got it, weird, but cool.

Just some observations.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Local arts

I have been to many restaurants and have seen artwork on the walls by local artist. I wonder; do these actually sell? When some one is stuffing their face with food, do they pay attention to what is on the wall? I sometimes wonder if it is a way for a restaurant to have free art on the wall. There has got to be a way to promote the arts that the artist gets a cut. You have galleries, which are a bunch of snobs, restaurants that take it for free, and art walks that don’t really benefit the artist. And not one of them works to sell the art. Hmmm, damn it!


Sunday, September 7, 2008


What and the hell happened to summer? At least it’s still warm, but crap it’s September!! At least one thing, the damn conventions are over with, a virtual parade of professional bullshitters, oh wait, I mean politicians. Now we are down to less than 3 months before the election is over. But here is a thought; Canada just called for elections, they will have started and finished the whole election in 4 weeks, wow. Why can’t we do that?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Local Art, Damn It!!!!!!

Do you really think people actually buy what art they want, or, do you think they purchase what is mass marketed to them? I believe it’s the mass marketing. So many people are so worried about what they are “supposed” to have on their walls, instead of what they want. Why in the world anyone buys and pays more for a mass printing of 650,000 of some ridiculously quaint cottage among an even more ridiculous flower garden, than buy a truly original from some local artist. IT’S BEYOND ME!! People make your house unique, it’s YOUR home. For crap sake, think local and support the artists you have right here, what ever city that might be. Here in Portland, we have many art festivals, I see many people attending, but I wonder how many actually buy? GO LOCAL, DAMN IT!! That’s what I say.

Another rant,


Friday, August 29, 2008

Great Art at Alberta

I ran across some great art at the Alberta Street Art Walk in Portland today. A stand out was Paul Solevad. I loved his steel bridge scene. For those of you that buy print number 165,000 out of a 600,000 run of Thomas Kincaid, shame on you. There is amazing talent locally, screw what you think you are suppose to have on the wall, go local and be unique. And Paul Solevad was one of them that should be on the wall. I was very impressed. His web address is Looks like he is still developing his webpage or you can get a hold of him at 360-210-7081.

Just a heads up,


PS update to webpage, it's up and running, find it at:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alberta Street Art Walk

Well, I am going to the Alberta Street art walk today here in Portland, let’s hope there is something controversial, and ballsy. I am so sick and tired of political correctness, and worrying about offending someone. Holy shit, what happened to freedom of speech and expression?

Just some thoughts,

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Honking in the tunnel

Okay, I have now lived in Beaverton for about 3 months now and have wondered why in the hell do so many people honk their horns in the Vista Ridge Tunnel? You know the one people of PDX, the tunnel on 26, yes that one. We had a tunnel in Tacoma on the waterfront that was down right scary; you had to honk your horn so you would avoid a head on collision. But your tunnel is so nice and wide. So what is it? Hmmm, I saw a bumper sticker that said; “Keep Portland Weird” Perhaps that answers my question.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Brangelina Twins

Okay, nice they had twins, but who gives a crap? Is it going to change the world? No! Just a couple of over paid actors spawning. Yep that is it.


Monday, July 28, 2008


I was working in my garden and noticed this huge, and I mean huge dragonfly hovering over me. Frankly I thought it was a B-2 bomber, than I realized my mistake, this was so much bigger. Its wings were flapping much like that of a helicopter’s blades, and its eyes stared right at me, I thought that I was doomed. I wanted to warn the neighbors to get their children and pets inside, schools needed to notified, but then again, at least the neighborhood would be quiet… hmmm yes..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Shopper's Rage

Shopper's RageYou have all heard of road rage; how about shopper’s rage? I don’t know about you, but I have to talk to myself before I go into that great big warehouse store that starts with a C and ends with an O. I love the products, but holy cow, the huge carts and the herds around the feeding stations, crap! I have this little inner voice screaming; GET OUT OF MY WAY, or sometimes, RAMMING SPEED!! Okay, stay cool, do not run down grandma or grandpa who’s trying to figure out that Blue Tooth doesn’t mean some dental problem, you’ll be there soon enough, and you too will have some rude middle aged male wanting to run you down too...